Gmann's Rant

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Sunday/ November 9th, 2008-My Rant

Already Obama has stepped on his... "shlong". Imagine being one of his supporters. All the Rhetoric with no content...voted for this poor substitute of a candidate and without so much as a fight, he 'announced' he's giving up on "his health care". You would be crushed...and he has not yet taken office. I for one, do not believe anything that leaves his mouth. He's lied about his past, his relationships, his pastor, his birth certificate..why is this any different?

Good news is, our favorite leader in the Muslim world, Iran's answer to Hitler, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, called to congratulate him..or at least extended his best wishes....WOW! Is that great news. After all, all this guy wants to do is make the world world Islamic...and destroy Israel. Sounds like the two have a lot in common.

Reading all the left wing wacko blogs, it has been a great victory. For socialism, for our enemies and most of for those in the world who have feared us.

It is far better to be well liked, they say......when will liberals ever learn that being well like means absolutely nothing on the world stage. Being respected through strong policies of national security and determined military might means everything. Think Hugo Chavez, is ever going to like us? How about Castro? Think Putin is going to shed his KGB interior and become all warm and fuzzy? He KNEW he could not push GW, but Obambi? That's a different story. Watch for him to test the 'Chosen One" early in his term.

WHY do these liberal airheads care if people in a foreign country like us?


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