Gmann's Rant

Friday, July 06, 2007

I have been asked how would be get control of our government again. Hard work but an easy path. Look closely at what was done on immigration. The arrrogant senators from both parties have been placed on noticve. THEY did not like all the calls and the sudden interest. THEY want us to be asleep at the switch. If we are to make them work for us, we must get involved, demand better results and not ever allow these arrogant, self importantly appointed elected officials to ever have a moments peace. They blamed talk radio for informing us...imagine that....being informed is a bad thing to them!!! Of course it is. Bad for them. I have news for these people, this is our country not theirs to rule!!!!

Neither party is immune to these self appointed royality titles.

We can make them do anything...even recall their own royal pensions and health care.

Want to try??


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