Election Day 2008: America Votes:
So far, Obambi has produced no real birth certificate, professes to want to break the coal industry, actually believe anything that comes from Gore's mouth or southern end, still great friends with Wright, Ayers, Soros and many terrorist organizations who endorsed him......Namely Hamas and Al Qaeda. Still is a socialist, refuses to release documents about his past..and is married to one bitter woman, who is not proud of her country at all. And she and Obambi only sat through 20 years of rant for Pastor Wright...I am sure his spiritual compass had no effect on his thoughts , plans or programs...but then again I believe in the Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus and that Sadaam Hussein was really a good guy, just misunderstood.
He has lied about relationships, his past, his future and whatever he can...all to get good sound bites, great phrases but little else. His love and sympathy for the Islamic Terrorists are well documented and does not think Iran is seriously dangerous...Oh yea..this is a really a well informed Dem...welcome to Obambi's la-la land.
Instead of seeing through his rhetorical nonsense, he still is the most radical left wing wacko in a party of wackos, which includes Al Franken, Nancy Pelosi, Ted Kennedy, Al Gore and Harry Reid. These people are about as prepared to lead as I am to join the space program.
Conservatives refused to name him, stand up against him all due to the hands off let’s not ask any tough questions, because he’s black…strategy. The News Media Loved this approach…..they only had the conservatives to focus on….like they were not already!
I for one think the Republican Party had great chances but refused to hammer this dude senseless, because they were too worried about the “RASCIST” label. SO instead we let this poorly prepared, non-resume impact guy possibly take office with a V.P., who has been wrong on every foreign policy issue for the last thirty years. Biden is simply too badly prepared to be called a candidate. I think he’s just necessary baggage for Obambi…and white baggage at best.
SO here we wait. America decides.
A big thank you goes out to our new media people, who managed to divert, distort, mislead, and hide the real issues, the facts, the important trends because they wanted Obambi……...and they did everything they could even using Dan " There's not been an election I cannot subvert" Rather on CNN...…and that was a lot..to get this glib, ridiculous talking, too hip under-trained socialist guy..one mere step from the Presidency.
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