Gmann's Rant

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

The Immigration Thing

With so much being written, screamed and foisted on we Americans, perhap a brief but intense rant using bullet points
  • Illegal entrants should leave PERIOD
  • length of time here is meaningless/ Illegal is illegal
  • Mexico's leader is deceitful and not to be trusted/ he is welcome NO LONGER
  • people who sincerely want to be AMERICAN should go through the legal process
  • Our borders should be closed and watched carefully going forward
  • Those who have chosen to become legal and go through the legal process should get first chance

All others with soft hearted ideas need to this about what other countries do to illegal entrants: [Like Mexico and France]

Some shoot them

Some drive them back over the border

NONE support, offer aid, free education, social services and JOBS/ NONE of them do.