Gmann's Rant

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Supreme Court Ruling on Gitmo Detainees:

Again, I am impressed by the liberal depth of plain stupidity in our Supreme Court. For all intensive purposes they want to extend U.S. citizen rights and privileges to people whose real mission is to kill our citizens and disrupt our country. While we sit and academically debate the issue of whether we can really convene military courts, terrorists plan and execute operations to kill our way of life. Liberals actually believe that if we "act like them", we become them". What reality do these liberals come from?

Reality dictates extreme measures to combat those who would even use their own children to kill innocents....oh pardon me, they think there are no innocents. If we believed this then the people killed in the marine raid in Iraq in which they were fired upon could not be innocent, right? See how their lack of real logic traps the liberal farce every time?

The Supreme Court will look back at this mockery of a decision and realize that in times of war, one does things to prevent the enemy from killing you. Join us oh caped keepers of the liberal world of fantasy ......And join us in the real world where people bleed and die. Not sit on their fat chairs and discuss "what ifs" as if nothing could ever happen.

What a load of manure from the bench. And politically motivated as hell.


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